Is it right for you?
When you plan to purchase a wind turbine, a few key issues have to be considered:
- Your annual energy consumption in kWh
- The Annual average wind speed in your area
- Any restrictions in your area for wind turbine?
- How do find the wind speed in your area?
There are several online resources that will provide you with wind speed estimates for your area:
Return Of Investment
The actual wind speed at your area will be influenced by the local topography and any nearby obstructions such as trees or other buildings. Wind movement around buildings themselves is very fickle, so take expert advice.
If you know above information, you may calculate the annual output wind power.
Purchase a wind turbine as an investment, the return time depended on your local price of power and your local wind power situation. For some windy area, the return time is 4-7 years. In some low wind area, the return time is 8-10 years.